my podcast

early mid-day late-night thoughts

I started my video podcast at the start of my freshman year of college in 2021! Inspired by the randomly chaotic thoughts and questions that filled my head at late hours of the night, I later realized that I have these thoughts at all hours of the day thanks to ADHD, hence the title: "Early Mid-day Late-Night Thoughts." My podcast not only fulfills my desire to have these questions answered, but simultaneously allows me to fill the cup that is my extroverted desire to connect and laugh with strangers, hearing their perspectives on these ideas! I upload my videos to Instagram, TikTok (@emdlnt) and to my YouTube channel (@adayinthelifeofchloe11). Tap in!;)

bonus content: a day in the life of chloe

I started this YouTube channel during my sophomore year of high school in 2019 as a way to document my life and hold memories that I could always look back at. Diaries were always something I saw value in, so I view this channel as a video diary of sorts and a looking glass into various times of my life, hence the title: "a day in the life of chloe" <3 💌